Avoiding the Pitfalls of Holding a Board Meeting Online

Due to the pandemic that is forcing businesses to change their work habits remote work, virtual board meetings appear to be a reality. The flexibility of a digital meeting allows participants to take part without having to think about the travel restrictions or quarantine period and also reduces the cost of hotels and flights.

Online meetings are simple to set up and they’ve become frequent among mission-driven organizations that wish to keep their communications on track despite the COVID-19 Crisis. It is important to be aware of the pitfalls of digital meetings to avoid them and ensure that your online board meetings are most effective.

The software platform you use to host your hybrid or virtual meetings is of utmost importance. Choose a platform that has a Waiting Room feature that protects your meeting from uninvited participants and only allows those who have been invited by the meeting host or co-host. Give training to your board members so they can become familiar with the technology.

Encourage your board members to use a headset or speakerphone for the duration of the meeting and to declutter their offices so that it appears camera-ready, free of personal photographs and other items that distract. Make sure they sit on a chair, not on their couch or bed. This will make them appear more professional and presentable throughout the meeting. Encourage them to speak at the beginning of the session so that everyone can hear and the meeting starts off on positive note.

see this site itcounts.org.uk/virtual-data-rooms-as-one-of-the-most-effective-tools/